Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Lake Powell Day 2

Mike made yummy omelets this morning.  So good!  All my kids got up wake boarding, but I only got pictures of Jorja and Preston.  I wasn't on the boat for the other two, but saw them fly on by.  I ran to get the camera both times, but I was too slow.  I have a ton of pictures again today.  Don't worry, soon I ran out of room on my camera card and had to be more picky.
 Weston checking out a cliff jumping spot
 This crash looked SO COOL!
Too bad I missed most of it.  He was flying!
 Jorja ~ 1st time!
 Mike getting Preston ready
 Preston ~ 1st time!
 Mike & Preston
When I got back I heard people yelling at me.  If you look closely you can see them halfway up that rock!
Mike, Jorja, Preston, Weston

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