Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Lake Powell Day 3

My kids convinced Steve to take them tubing today.  Tubing is their very favorite thing.  It is Steve's least favorite thing.  They love it as much as Steve hates it.  He is a good sport for taking them though. This first picture is my favorite.  I love it so much I put it in here twice.
Weston and Jorja
 Preston jumping off the houseboat
 Flipping Brandon
 Lisa & Nathan
 Preston and Stephanie on the tube
 Weston & Jorja
The scenery was so beautiful, I couldn't help take pictures!
 Weston & Jorja
 Jacob & Stockton
 Erica & Maysen
 Shannon went super slow to sink them
 Erica giving Maysen a hand
 Erica pulling Maysen in like a rafter!
 Erica & Maysen
 Erica's gone
 Maysen turn giving Erica the rafters pull
 The only picture I got of a gigantic crash
 Erica & Maysen
 Erica's silliness did her in
 Michael & Brandon
 Michael loved hamming it up for the camera
 Weston, Preston, Jorja
 Weston is suddenly on the other side!
 Maysen & Stockton
 That's going to throw them!
 Wait!  How did they hold on?
Nathan helped Jorja catch her first fish.  She was so proud!
Jorja loved making cookies with Weston.  The chocolate chips were melted, so they mixed them in with the rest of the cookie dough.  So yummy!
Weston & Jorja
What an amazing day!

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