Saturday, July 12, 2014

Meeting Parker

I got a text from Mike about 7:00 this morning.  He said he was going to take a quick nap.  Up all night.  Crazy, but he is really excited about how his team's project is going.  I went and cleaned the church.  Mike was supposed to be in charge, but he switched with Jeff at the last minute.  He was worried no one would show because of trek.  Turned out a lot of people thought the same thing.  People not even assigned came to see if they were needed.  We were done in an hour.  Our ward is awesome.

I met Mike & Christen at Sherry's house to get Parker's handprints done.  This is the first time I met Parker.  He is so sweet!  He looks so much like Blake.  Hopefully he won't have Blake's allergies.
Stephanie, Parker & Sherry
 Parker's not too happy about this
Didn't like the feet much either
 Stephanie and sweet Parker
 Stephanie, Parker & Mike
I hit Mike about twenty times as soon as I saw him.  I am SO MAD at him for not letting me know he was in town the last time he came.  I found out when he posted a picture of himself at the BYU game.  What! My brother Matt was at the game.  They could have at least have seen each other if Mike had let us know.  Mike said, "The lame thing was I had great seats and an extra ticket.  I took Christen's sister's boyfriend, and they aren't even dating."  Mike, that did not make me feel better about the whole situation.  How could he not think of asking me?  I told him, "I drove twice to see you in Virginia, flew to Virginia once, flew you to Georgia twice, drove to Arizona to see you, and drove to New Mexico to see you, how could you not know I would want to see you when you are literally thirty minutes from me?"  Okay, rant over. Hopefully he NEVER does that again!  It really hurt my feelings.  I sometimes feel like I am the only one trying to keep this family together.  Man I wish my mom were alive.  Anyway, I am excited to see him again this week.  All my brothers will be at the cabin.  Now that I have given him a piece of my mind I can just enjoy him again.  I sure do love my brothers.  Hopefully they want to hang out with me as much as I want to hang out with them.

The most exciting news of the day is STOCKTON IS BACK FROM TREK!!!  He got back around 8:00 at night.  A few of the leaders came up to me and told me he did great.  One said, "I wish you could have seen him, you would have been so proud."  Someone told me that he bore an awesome testimony.  Twice.  I had been so worried about him. I am thankful that this went well.  I asked Stockton what he thought of trek.  He said, "It was alright."  He did tell me about what they did each day.  How they pulled Johny and how it rained on them.  I love that kid!  We went to Brother Covington's to pick up his stuff.  (Sleeping bag, clothes, pajamas, things like that.)  His bag was not there.  We looked everywhere.  We raced back to the stake center where most of the other wards had unloaded their stuff.  People were pulling away.  I chased down every trailer and asked if they had an extra bag of stuff. No luck.  Hopefully we will find it in a few days.  That is a lot of stuff I really don't want to lose.
Mike and I ran out and got pizza for Stockton.  It ended up being 10:00 at night before we were able to eat.  Life sure gets crazy busy sometimes.  At least it is with all good things!

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