Friday, July 11, 2014

Chinese Camp

Jorja and Preston have spent the week at Chinese camp.  They each had a play to put on.  Preston was a black snail and Jorja was a pigeon.  The e-mail said to come at 11:30 to see the play.  Maysen and I arrived at 11:25.  People were already leaving.  I looked at the e-mail again.  It said to arrive at 11:00.  Whoops.  I felt pretty bad.  We tried to find the kids and found Preston lined up in the hall with his class.  They hadn't preformed yet!  Yay!  Preston was super happy in the hall, but did not look happy once he was in the room.  He said he was nervous and didn't want to do it.  I recorded his part, but you can't really hear him. Oh well.
Preston's class
Jazzie was supposed to be a fox, but Ava couldn't come today.  Ava was pigeon #3.  Jazzie took her spot.  Jorja loved that!  I asked Jazzie if she volunteered or if they told her to do it.  She said she volunteered because she wanted to be next to Jorja.  So sweet!  Jorja is sure going to miss her next year!
Jorja's class
Jazzie & Jorja
 Jazzie, Jorja & Preston
We stopped by 7-11 on the way home for a free slurpee.  The electricians came early this morning.  They worked until around 2:00. We now can turn on lights in the kitchen....and we have outlets!  Yay!  I also asked about the electrician if he could switch the outlet from a 220 v to a 110 30Amp outlet.  (I looked up those numbers from Mike's text, I have no idea what they mean.)  Anyway, he did it.  He told me everything is pretty Mickey Mouse out there.  Mike had used those exact words to describe it earlier.  He doesn't have a breaker yet, but he will bring it later.  Now we will be able to use the air conditioner out there.  That will be nice.

A little after 3:00 I took Maysen hiking.  I wanted to hike Bells Canyon and go to the waterfall.  Maysen wasn't too excited about the idea.  She did good though.  The only problem was, I got distracted talking to her that I didn't notice the turnoff.  Things started looking unfamiliar.  I had Maysen wait while I ran on ahead.  I texted Mike pictures and asked him if he knew where I was.
He recognized the scenery and let me know I had gone WAY too far! We eventually found the waterfall, but I extended our hike by at least an hour.  It was perfect hiking weather though, so no harm done.
Maysen at Bells Canyon Waterfall
 Where's Maysen?
 Utah - just as beautiful as Hawaii!
I also missed the turnoff on the way back down.  We ended up cutting through the yard of a house that was being built.  The guy there didn't look too happy to see us.  We wandered through the neighborhood until we found our car.  We made it back to our house sometime after 8.  I had fun, but my feet are tired!

I took the kids to Sonic for dinner.  Mike is pulling an all nighter at work.  He is more excited about the project they are working on then he was last night.  He seems to be having a lot of fun.  That's good.  Nice job when you can be excited about working all night!

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