Thursday, July 10, 2014

Thinking of Hawaii

I found some more pictures of Hawaii that I forgot to post.  Yes, some look exactly the same as others but they are different I tell you!  For one thing, I got many pictures of the sunrise, but these are of the sunset. Difference one right there.
 View from our cabin
 View to our cabin I guess
We rented this jeep while we were there.  I am really glad we did.  We were unsure if we needed a rental car.  We didn't know if we could get around using public transportation like we did in San Francisco.  That wouldn't have worked out here.  We were one seatbelt short and Mike ended up putting blankets in the back and the kids took turns laying back there.  They loved it.  It made me nervous.  I am really strict about seat belts.  I don't let my kids get out of booster seats until they are at least out of elementary school.  I still make Jorja sit in one.  Yikes! Luckily all is well and we had no problems.  Mike loved the jeep.  I bet that doesn't come as a surprise to anyone!
 Random picture of me (Stephanie) at the swap meet
Jorja caught a couple of lizards while we were there.  One shed his tail trying to escape.  She picked up the tail and it was still moving.  Gross! Jorja sent us this picture while we were out to dinner with Brett and Rachel.  Both of my girls have always loved lizards.  Really everyone but Stockton.  He doesn't care for any kind of moving creatures.
I also forgot to write how Mina was stung by a jellyfish!  Brett a little too, but Mina got the worst of it.  She was just swimming and then she started screaming.  Brett picked the tentacle off of her and it stung him too.  Poor little girl.  It was the same day Maysen got stung by a sea urchin.  We had bought a bottle of vinegar for it.  The life guards told Brett to put vinegar on it and not to wash it with fresh water.  Luckily we had a bottle available.  I guess it was a good thing Maysen got stung by the sea urchin.  Mina does not like jellyfish!

Okay, back to Utah life.  Jorja and Preston have been getting up early to go to Chinese camp this week.  We got home from Hawaii and were home about thirty minutes before I took them there.  Jorja has liked it better this year than last year.  She was excited because Jazzie, Dallin and Ava were all in her class.  I took Jorja and Preston to Sweet Tomatoes yesterday after class.  They loved it!  Today I brought Jazzie home with us.  Jorja and Jazzie had fun swimming and playing around. I took Maysen swimsuit shopping.  We went to Lime Ricki and she got two adorable swimsuits.  One of them would have been perfect for Hawaii.  It was island looking.  I do things backwards.

Mike stayed until 11:00 at work today.  They are having a coding contest at work.  The top prize is $2,000.  He has an idea he wants to do, but he sounded discouraged about it.  He is going to try to get it done, but doesn't know if he can finish by Saturday afternoon.  He is doing this with some friends from work.  Hopefully he will be happy with how it turns out.

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