Wednesday, July 9, 2014


Stockton left on Trek today.  I am so proud of him.  Maysen really, really, really, really, really didn't want to go.  We had many discussions with her and a few months ago decided we would let it be up to her. We asked her to pray and fast about it.  She did and still really, really, really, really, really didn't want to go.  She said, "I know the pioneers had it hard, why would I want to do that?"  and "I go to EVERYTHING. I just really don't want to do this."  So we let her miss it.  We told her that she wouldn't be able to be on her computer, because that wouldn't be fair to Stockton.  She was fine with that.  The Bishop called me a few days ago and asked if there was anything he could do to convince Maysen to go on Trek.  I told him all the reasons why she wasn't going. He said, "For some people, trek is the most amazing experience.  For Maysen, the fact that you are honoring her wishes is probably more important than her going on trek."  I'm glad he saw it that way and didn't make us feel guilty for not sending her.

Anyway, I am SUPER proud of Stockton for going.  He knew Maysen was not going and could have used that to try to get out of going himself.  He didn't.  He never complained even though he does not enjoy camping.  I am really worried about him though.  Especially the bus ride.  It will be long.  I hope he doesn't get sick.  I gave a car sick bag to him and some more to his leaders for the ride home.  I know he will be in the Trost's family.  I talked to them about some of my concerns.  Johny Waddoups will be in his group.  I'm happy about that. (Johny is the boy with Down Syndrome who lives on our street.) Johny makes everyone comfortable around him.  He is funny.  Stockton really loves him.

Everyone was asked to trek for an ancestor.  Stockton chose Stillman Pond.  That is his great-great-great-great-grandfather.  His wife and most of his children died along the way.  I can't even imagine.  Stockton had a part in the primary program when he was little where he talked about Stillman Pond.  That is why he wanted to trek for him.  Anyway, he is now off and I sure do miss him.  I hope he is having a wonderful time!

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