Wednesday, July 16, 2014


Today went by pretty fast and I'm not even sure what we did.  We played games a lot.  Did cabin stuff.  Had a great time.  Maysen won Pirates and Dominion right before bed.  Nice.  A few days ago when Rachel and I were at the store there was a beautiful rainbow.  It looked really cool.  They saw it at the cabin also, except it looked ten times better.  My brothers took pictures.
Double rainbow
 Matt & Mike taking pictures
Marie taught us how to play forehead wars.  She's pretty good.  She always wins her dad!  She was laughing so hard.  It kind of hurts your forehead after you do this for awhile.
Marie & Jorja during a forehead war
We were supposed to get our countertops in today.  Rob confirmed with the granite guys several times.  He told them appliances were scheduled to come in on Thursday.  They said that would be no problem.  Mike stayed home from work.  He was in the back room when he got a text from Rob saying the plumbers were on the way. Yay! Kitchen sink!!!  So excited.  Mike went to the kitchen and the granite guys were gone.  Too bad they hadn't finished.  The countertops weren't mounted and there was no holes for the faucets drilled. The plumbers got there right after and couldn't do a thing, so they just left. I am so sad!  This is going to make a big mess of everything.  Again.  I can hardly think about it.


  1. Let the record show that I was not in that picture. That was Bubs and Mike taking pictures. I'm pretty sure I was playing Dominion during that double rainbow.

  2. Wow Matt. You are right. It sure looked like you until I blew up the picture. Sorry about that.
