Thursday, July 17, 2014

Grandma, Coutertops and Babies

Stockton didn't come to the cabin with us.  He went to Dive Camp at BYU.  I was disappointed that I wouldn't be able to drop him off.  He almost gave me a hard time about that until I said, "I would take a picture of you in checking in, of you with your counselor, of you with your room mate, of you in front of your dorm....."  He laughed because he knew I wasn't kidding!  Stockton is rooming with Josh from our ward.  His mom dropped them off and I am picking them up tomorrow. Anyway, Mike needed to run something up to Stockton this afternoon. He sent me these pictures.  I miss that boy!  I hope he is having the best time ever!
May Hall ~ Stockton's dorm for the week
This morning was spent packing up.  I made a BIG mistake today! Every time we left the cabin the gate was locked.  I forgot every time. Once both gates were locked.  Rachel and I were going to the store, we were looking to buy a new vacuum for the cabin.  No luck.  Anyway, I drove back and got the key from the outside spot.  Rachel got out of the car and unlocked the gate.  When we got back, I completely forgot about the key, until we were leaving.  Brett and Rachel had left about thirty minutes before us.  I called and asked where she put the key, hoping she had left it in my car.  She put it on the hooks just inside the front door.  (Rachel had not seen me grab the key and had no idea it was meant for outside.)  We had just locked up the cabin.  Whoops.  It was then that I noticed the flood lights were on.  Whoops again.  Debie is coming up on Saturday.  I let her know, but I felt pretty bad about it. Darn my memory!

When we drive from the cabin to Idaho Falls we drive past the Square Ice Cream store.  The kids always beg me to stop.  This time we stopped at a little ice cream store across the street.  Jazzie's uncle opened it for his kids to run.  I wasn't sure I was in the right place.  It was a little thing and didn't really look like a store.  I asked them if they knew Jazzie.  Sure enough, we found it!  We got there at the right time because before we even ordered the place was PACKED!  I asked Chelsea (Jazzie's cousin) if it is always like this.  She said it was.  Crazy!
Chelsea and Jorja
When we got to my grandma's house, that place was packed as well. Jackie, Renee, Tammi, Rozie, Debie and Savannah were all there cleaning.  My grandpa had gone golfing.  They were trying to finish before he got home.  They were worried he would be upset with them.  I helped them for a bit.  It was nice to be able to see them and grandma. My grandpa came home earlier than he would have liked.  He was feeling dizzy.  He didn't look too well when he got home.  My grandma tells me to never get old all the time.  I keep telling her that it is better than the alternative!  I love my grandparents so much.  They could not have possibly been better grandparents.  Perfect.  I love watching my kids with them.  Especially Maysen.  She adores my grandma.  I wish they could have known them when they were younger.  I wish I could have watched my grandma dance on roller skates!  I bet she was amazing!
Preston & Grandma
 Grandma & Maysen
 Preston & Grandpa
 Jorja & Grandpa
 Grandma & Preston
I had such a hard time driving home today.  I don't know what my problem was.  I felt so tired!  I pulled over at a rest area around Malad. I tried to sleep for a few minutes and then walked around.  I moved Maysen up to the front.  That did the trick.  I was fine the rest of the way.  I did not like that at all!  Brett & Rachel had met up with some law school friends before they went to Grandma's house.  They also stopped and bought a vacuum for the cabin.  They dropped it off at the park.  My cousins were having a baseball game there.  It started at 8:30.  We didn't have sinks in, so Brett had already decided to stay with my dad.  I was sad about that, but it is really hard to live in this chaos right now. I can't believe it wasn't finished before they got here! Anyway, Brett and Rachel ended up staying tonight with Tammi.  That was the right decision.  I'm so glad they didn't drive back last night! While they were at Tammi's house Tammi got a text.  Larkin had her baby!  Yay!  A little girl they named Rennie Grace.  (Larkin is Tammi's only daughter.  Rennie is named after Tammi's mom, Renne Sue.  Brett said Larkin spelled her name with an i so the pronunciation wouldn't be confused with Renee.)  Anyway, so glad for Larkin!  Later I found out that my cousin Derek and his wife Kendra had their baby today as well.  Paisley Jane.  What a great day!

When we arrived home we found our countertops mostly in.  Some appliances as well.  Mike said that he got back from work at 7:00 at night.  No one was here and our front doors were wide open.  We have boxes of appliances just sitting around.  Our stove is boxed up and on a dolly!  I'm so glad no one came in and just helped themselves.  When Mike told our builder about it he couldn't believe it.  Then he said, "Well, you can't fix stupid."  We are so blessed that we live in such a great area.  Still could have happened though.
 I like the black marks throughout the granite
 One day this will be our sink.  That will be amazing.
 The grill hasn't made it in yet

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