Friday, July 18, 2014

Back from Dive Camp

Stockton's back!  I picked up Stockton and Josh today from dive camp. I asked them if they gave the camp a thumbs up or thumbs down. They said thumbs middle.  Their reason was the first three days of the camp was spent working on hurdles.  That's disappointing.  They divided up the divers by years.  Stockton and Josh were in the 3-4 year group. According to them the 1-2 year group got to learn new dives as did the 5-6 year group.  If that is the case, I guess they just got a different kind of instructor.  Josh said one day of working on hurdles would have been good.  Three days was overkill. Stockton did learn an inward one and a half, so that's good.

I got Stockton home and then rushed up to the Hyatt in Salt Lake. Sherry and her family were having a mini vacation there.  Brett and Rachel met me at the hotel.  Sherry took us up to our room and did Grace's handprints.  I was so thankful that Sherry didn't mind bringing the clay to the hotel and having us intrude.  I have no idea when Brett & Rachel would be coming back.  Grace is already almost ten months old! Rachel's cousin had come with them.  I ended up taking Brett, Marie and Mina to my dad's house.  Rachel stayed and had dinner with her cousin.  I think that was a win-win for them.  I wish they would have been able to stay at my house.  I was looking forward to that.  One day they will need to stay and Rachel will need to cook in our new kitchen!

Speaking of our new kitchen.  It is going SLOW!  We do have our stove installed now.  The hood isn't installed though.  The plumbers came today and hooked in our kitchen faucets.  Yay!  We have a kitchen sink now!  They were pretty busy and didn't have time to hook in the rest of our faucets.  The plumber said, "I was told that you needed the kitchen sink hooked up because you were having company."  I told him it was too late.  They didn't stay with us.  It's not the plumbers fault.  He was here on Wednesday, but the granite wasn't finished.  So frustrating!
We took the kids to Sweet Tomatoes tonight.  Jorja was begging to go. The restaurant certainly won with us!  Both Stockton and Maysen didn't want to be there.  We spent $10 for Maysen to eat a small piece of bread and a little macaroni.  Stockton didn't even want the ice cream.  I should never take my kids to all you can eat places.  In their defense, the dinner was not as impressive as the lunch.

Once we got the kids all tucked into bed, Mike and I went down to my dad's house.  Brett, Matt, Mike and I played Dominion.  We only got one game in before everyone was exhausted and ready for bed.  We must be getting old.

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