Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Another First Day

Matt started his next semester of graduate school today.  Because he was here I made him take a 'first day of school' picture.  I would have made him take more, but we were pressed for time.  Matt tried to stand as goofy as possible.  It was pretty funny.
I dropped him off at the Trax station and then dropped Jorja off at school.  Sam and Anne had left for work early this morning while I was at my exercise class.  I have not been very good at my exercising this summer and feel completely out of shape.  That and the fact that Bobby's class is HARD!  I got to watch Anne today while Sam dealt with returning the moving van.  I got the better end of that deal!

Stockton got sick last night.  Poor guy.  He was planning on going to diving for the first time in awhile, but that plan got scratched.  He managed to make it through school, luckily it was late start.  He felt well enough to go to Young Mens tonight.  They were playing tennis ball tag.  My guess is they just threw tennis balls at each other?

Mike and I went to Back to School night at the high school.  We spent about 8 minutes in each class.  Mike took Stockton's classes and I took Maysen's.  I ran into Lisa a couple of times, but Mike never did.  It would have been fun for him to see his sister there.

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