Wednesday, August 27, 2014

New Shoes

Stockton ended up going to diving today because they cancelled it yesterday due to weather.  It was raining really hard when we left the high school.  They are still diving outside which means that they are sharing the pool with the public.  Stockton never likes that.

I took Maysen shoe shopping today.  That doesn't happen very often! She wanted to get some shoes for her ballroom class.  Because the store was having a buy one get one half off sale, I managed to talk her into getting one more pair of shoes.  She said, "I have four pairs of shoes, why would I need any more?"  Her shoes are: purple crocs, flip flops from Hawaii, 2 year old tennis shoes and now the ballroom shoes she is planning on keeping at school.  Nope Maysen, one more pair of shoes is not overkill.

Today was Jessie's 6th year mark.  I can't believe she has been gone that long.  I didn't make it down to her grave, but I sure thought about her a lot today.  I hope Lisa and Nathan did okay.

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