Sunday, August 24, 2014

Back to Oregon

Cassie and Mallory both got sick last night.  They went to bed fine, but both threw up in the middle of the night.  John helped Mallory, gave her a bath and washed her sheets while we were all sound asleep.  I do not envy their drive home.  That's a long drive with a sick preschooler and mom!
Trevor, Jorja, Preston, Stockton
 Jorja & Trevor or 'Trev-Trevs' as she calls him
Trevor loved to run full speed at Jorja and give her giant hugs knocking her over.  Sometimes he would dive at her and she had no idea it was coming.  I was talking to her after school.  She was sitting on the floor. Out of nowhere came Trevor.  He was so lucky she caught him!  I was proud of her quick reflexes!
Jorja & Trevor
 Brandon & Stockton
 Stephanie and Brandon

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