Saturday, August 23, 2014

Brandon's Footprints

I had to title this footprints instead of handprints.  Looks like I have a lot more pictures of getting his feet done than his hands.  Sherry really is amazing.  I'm so thankful she will do this for my family.
Stephanie, Brandon and Sherry
Next we went to the BYU bookstore so Trevor could get a BYU hat.  I got a BYU hat as well.  I really like it!  It was fun looking around the store.  I wish I would have been lucky enough to go to this school.  I really love it there!

We stopped by my mom's grave for the last stop of the day.  Mallory and Trevor loved running around and smelling all the flowers.  What kid wouldn't?  I was disappointed that the flowers I put there on Monday were gone.  They sure don't leave the flowers up long at all.
Trevor, Mallory, John, Brandon, Cassie
 Mallory & Trevor - I love this one!
Matt and Sam came up for some last games of Dominion with John. Too bad their trip is almost over.  Short trips are better than no trips though!

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