Friday, August 22, 2014

Dive Contest

We had my family over for swimming today.  Mostly I have pictures of John and Stockton.  They were having a diving contest.  One would do a dive and then the other would try to do the same dive. Stockton loves finding someone willing to play that game with him.  John did win Stockton on his trick dive.  He bounced on his bottom and then did a dive into the water.  Stockton wouldn't do it because John got hurt. John hit his leg on the diving board when he did the dive part.  That thing hurt a lot more than you would imagine!
 Jorja & Mallory
 John's body
I don't have any pictures after this because I got in the pool.  All my kids were in, it was so much fun!  We played categories for a LONG time!  I have this beautiful image in my mind of Maysen carrying Mallory across the pool.  Wish I had a picture of that!  After Maysen went inside, Ella would carry Mallory across.  That was adorable as well.

My dad made peas and hotdogs (one of our favorite meals growing up) and scones (because my kids love them).  He also ended up making tapioca.  Everyone loves tapioca except Bubs.  I'm not sure why he doesn't like it because fresh hot tapioca with ice cream is delicious!

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