Thursday, August 21, 2014

Pace is Married!

My brother's best friend got married today.  That is why John and Cassie were here from Oregon.  My dad and I took care of their three kids while they were in the temple.  Mallory really wanted to see a beautiful bride.  She would hug her at random times.  One time she came up behind her and hugged her so hard and unexpectedly that she almost knocked her over!  Haha!  Mallory's awesome!

Mallory wanted to spend the entire time we were there coloring in the children waiting room.  She drew one picture with a lot of people.  She told my dad who was in the drawing.  Her mom, Mallory, Trevor and Brandon.  My dad asked where her dad was.  She said, "In heaven".

While Mallory was coloring my dad took Trevor on a walk while I held Brandon.  Later we switched and I took Trevor on a walk while my dad held Brandon.  Mallory happily colored and colored.  I got some adorable pictures of Trevor while we were out.  He loved touching the temple.
Pace married a girl named Katie.  She has two kids.  A girl (in the pink) and a boy (hugging her).  Pace and Katie actually went on a date before she got married the first time.  She didn't like him because he reminded her of her brothers.  Now that is what she likes most about him.  That story was overheard by me from her aunt.  I didn't know anyone, so I just listened to other people talk.  I like it that way.
Katie and Pace
 Katie, Pace and John
Mallory does not like getting her picture taken.  Well, she doesn't like me taking her picture.  Here she is with a flower that she has found. She is planning on giving it to the bride and putting it in her hair.  She did give it to the bride, Katie was nice enough to add the flower to her bouquet.
 Trevor, Stephanie, Mallory
Katie needed help getting a fly out of her veil.  I was the hero and saved the day!
Mallory, Stephanie, Katie
My dad and I took Mallory and Trevor home.  We stopped by my dad's house and picked up Max.  We got home about the same time as my kids got home from school.  Perfect timing.  Matt and Sam also came over.  We were able to get a few games of Dominion in after John got home.  I couldn't play the last game because I had many, many disclosure statements to sign.  The joys of starting school.

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