Wednesday, August 20, 2014

First Day of 11th Grade, First Day of 2nd Grade

Maysen and Preston started school today.  I let Maysen choose the breakfast.  She chose crepes.  Maysen tolerated my picture taking, Preston loved it.  Stockton loved not being in any pictures.  I didn't get around to taking them school shopping, whoops.  Both Maysen and Preston chose shirts we got on vacation.  Glad they like them, we sure have had a lot of fun together!
Maysen's a junior!
 Preston's first day of school!
 2nd grade!
 He was really excited about that.
 There goes my baby!
I spent most of the day getting ready for John and Cassie.  They drove from Oregon today!  Mike did such a good job with the guest room. Adorable.  My family might recognize the comforter.  It is from the cabin.  One day someone called me up and asked if I would like it.  I think it looks great in this room.
Preston got to pick dinner tonight.  He picked fish, carrots, pineapple and homemade bread.  I didn't have time to make the bread (and still haven't found all the parts to my mixer), so he settled for some store bought rolls.
John and Cassie came in time for dinner.  Funny this is the only picture of them that I got!  We made a smoothie and put it in the pineapple. That was a hit!
Mallory & Preston
Mallory slept in the girls room and Trevor slept in the boys room.  My kids all slept in the motorhome.  It worked out really well.  Preston loved sleeping there on a school night.  Something he never got to do before.  John and I got in a quick game of Dominion before bed.  It is wonderful having my brothers over!

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