Tuesday, August 19, 2014

First Day of Middle School, First Day of High School

Here we go again!  The start to another school year!  Jorja and Stockton started school today.  I let Jorja pick what I should make for breakfast today.  She wanted chocolate chip waffles.  We made my dad's recipe and it was delicious.  Jorja, for some reason, decided she couldn't wait two seconds for me to get her a plate.
Jorja and her breakfast
 Jorja's first day of middle school!
 6th grade!
Jorja had class for four hours in the morning, Stockton had class for two hours in the afternoon.  Jorja really liked it.  They went through all of their classes.  Each class taught them a different thing.  One class had them practice opening their lockers, one taught them about how the lunch works.  It was great.  She said she felt not as nervous going to school now.  She was also glad that only the 6th graders were there.  She has two and a half Chinese classes.  She knows most everyone in those classes.  There were two new students.  One boy is in everyone of her classes.  His name is Will.  He lived in our ward when we first moved here and was so nice to Jorja.  She doesn't know many people in her math and English classes, but knows a lot of people in her science class.

I let Stockton pick what we should have for lunch.  He wanted Little Caesars pizza.  Surprise.  Stockton said his school was a waste of time.  Surprise again.  I guess his was more of a get to know people kind of deal.  It was only two hours and they had ice cream, so it wasn't so bad.
Stockton's first day of high school!
 9th grade!
Stockton ran away from me so I wouldn't take any more pictures.  I couldn't help myself.  He is pretty adorable.
 That's my boy!
 Too bad he forgot something, so I got to do it again!  Haha!
 Stockton's home!
While Stockton was gone I took Preston to meet his teachers.  Preston loves school.  Every part of it.  He is so excited to go back.  They had a snow cone truck outside of school that gave all the kids free snow cones.  He liked that as well.
Mrs. Hogenson & Preston
 Mrs. Chung & Preston
Mrs. Chung was Jorja's first Chinese teacher.  Wow has Jorja come a long way since then!  This was the hardest thing I have ever expected of any of my kids.  Poor Jorja.  I am so glad she worked through it because it has been wonderful for her!  She has loved it and so have I.  Preston's experience with Mrs. Chung is going to be a lot more enjoyable!  She is a wonderful teacher.

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