Thursday, August 14, 2014

Bumpy Road

We are getting our floors finished today.  The workers were supposed to come at noon.  I got in the shower around 9:00.  I wasn't in there very long before Jorja came to tell me the workers were here.  I got out lickety split.  It's not that usual for workers to come early.  Especially three hours early.  Better early than late though.  I banished the kids to the basement or the motorhome for the rest of the day.  We are planning on camping this weekend, so that will work well.

Mike had a huge presentation at work this afternoon.  He survived and headed home as quick as he could.  We gathered the kids in the motorhome and headed to Bridger Lake.  Mike has wanted to go to Bridger Lake for a long time.  His family used to go camping here when he was little.  We made plans to go with Steve's family.  Steve's family was able to get there this afternoon.  We didn't pull in until right before midnight.  The last part of the trip was only about 30 miles.  It took a long time!  The road was so bumpy.  We were glad when we finally arrived.  Mike is so happy!

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