Wednesday, August 13, 2014

I Repel People

Stockton, Jorja and Preston had their swim/dive banquet today.  It is just at the neighborhood pavilion.  They did get trophies this year. They were really happy about that.  Last year they each got a shammie. They did not like that at all!  Too bad Jorja's trophy broke when they took it out of the box.  They said they would order her a new one, I hope they do.

We were sitting as a family eating.  No one else was at our rows of tables, but most of the other tables were filled up.  Jorja asked why no one was sitting by us.  Maysen said, "Because I repel people."  Oh man, she makes me laugh!

Preston has been complaining about his tooth.  He can't eat very well on the right side of his mouth.  He has a huge canker sore on the left side of his mouth.  He has been pretty miserable.  He came up pretty late and asked if I could pull out his tooth.  I told him it wasn't ready enough.  I wish my brother Mike were here.  He would be able to get that sucker out no problem!  Preston begged and begged me to try.  I pulled on that thing, yanked on it, twisted it over and over again.  I didn't have any luck.  Preston went and asked Mike if he had any pliers he could use.  We worked on that tooth for at least thirty minutes. Preston was so brave!  It had to hurt a ton.  Not one of my other kids could have handled this.  He wanted that thing out so bad.  Mike was finally able to get it out by pushing really hard on it.  So gross, but Preston was so happy.
Preston and Mike
 Success!  Bloody, bloody success!
 Preston the Victor!

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