Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Swimming in the Rain

Kristen had planned a swimming activity for Young Womens.  It was water safety and poolympics.  Too bad it started to rain at 7:00.  We did the activity anyway.  Luckily there was no lightning.  Kristen is so funny, the girls had a blast!  We had races, competitions going down the slide, hurdles over pool noodles, flipping our hair (mermaid style) contests, jumping and splashing contests.  The girls laughed and laughed.  Mike tried to take pictures for me, but he had no luck.

Mike has been working super hard trying to get the rock fireplace wall finished.  We are going to have our floors finished Thursday and it would be so nice to have that mess over with.  If he isn't finished, we will have to move all the rocks outside.  That doesn't sound like any fun because those rocks are heavy!  The wall is looking great so far.  Mike has more ambition than I do.  He has enough for the both of us!

Mike was super excited that his grill is now working!  They came today and found the gas leak, but they couldn't figure out how to turn it on. Mike texted me the instructions, but the guy didn't believe him. Finally he tried Mike's way and it magically worked.  He kept saying that it made no sense.  The granite guy also came and finished up.  He was supposed to come yesterday, but he ended up coming when my Young Women were over.  He fixed one of the countertops that was not the right size.  The one thing he couldn't fix is this weird hole that is filled with putty or something.  It is pretty big and looks odd.  He said there was nothing he could do.  I don't know if that is true, but whatever.

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