Monday, August 11, 2014


I took the kids on a quick trip to Lagoon.  I can't believe the summer is almost over!  The weather the rest of the week looked iffy, so we (I) decided to go today.  My kids weren't excited about going.  Weird kids. We went in our swimsuits and planned on going on mostly water rides. First we went down the waterside that is by the Rocket.  That was fun. We then headed to Rattlesnake Rapids.  We walked all the way there and found out it was closed.  There was a sign by the other entrance, but not the way we came.  Dang it!  Perfect time for that ride!  We spent most of the day at Lagoon-a-beach.  Totally annoying that most of the watersides you need to buy a tube to go down.  I probably should have bought a tube, but we survived without one.  I wanted to take Maysen on the Dishwasher so bad!  She even agreed to go, but that ride was closed as well!  So was the Spider.  Preston was happy because we were able to fit a ride on Wicked in.  All's well that ends well.

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