Saturday, August 30, 2014

Catch Up

Today we spent most of the day cleaning.  I did get caught up on my blog, so I'm very happy about that.  Preston and I went through his entire closet.  It was a disaster!  We got rid of about 1/3 of his clothes. He still has a ton left.  Most are hand-me-downs.  He was a trouper and didn't complain while we worked.  Jorja and I went shoe shopping today.  She has a certain pair of tennis shoes that she loves.  We went to the Nike Outlet, we can get the shoes for $25 there.  It would be a lot more expensive anywhere else.  Except DI.  Jorja found her first pair there for $3 and has loved them ever sense.

My neighbor Autumn brought us over several squash, zucchini and cucumbers.  Mike and I made stuffed zucchini.  We used the Our Best Bites recipe as an outline, but just did what we had on hand.  It was so delicious.  Unless you ask our kids, but what do they know?

Mike and I managed to get one cabinet up on the wall in the laundry room.  Very heavy.  Luckily no damage was done, except some small scratches that will need to be repainted later.  One down, many to go.

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