Friday, August 29, 2014

Sick Porge

Jorja is sick today.  She wasn't feeling great when she went to school. Again, luckily she had late start today!  It was also picture day, so we really didn't want her to miss.  Make up pictures are such a pain.  She ended up calling me to come get her.  It was towards the end of the day right before her Chinese class.  She did have 1 1/2 of her Chinese classes, so that worked out well.  I was pulling up with Jorja right as Maysen and Stockton got home.  I left to get her right as the floor people were leaving, so it turned out quite perfect.  Jorja watched a movie in my bed and slept through a lot of it.  She threw up towards the end of the day.  Poor girl.  We watched Robin Hood tonight.  The kids kind of remember that movie.  I use to love that show when I was growing up!  I recorded the BYU football game to watch later.  Of course I forgot to record the show after the game.  The BYU game went long and I missed the entire fourth quarter.  BYU won, so that was good, I just wish I could have watched it!

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