Tuesday, August 5, 2014

First Time

Maysen had her school pictures taken today.  We also walked around the school and found her classes.  That was after waiting to talk to the administration people to get Stockton listed as an 'active' student.  For some reason Stockton's status was listed as 'inactive'.  Weird because all of my other kids were fine.  It just took a little waiting in line, but we got it all squared away.

I took Maysen out to lunch and then to the mall.  We went to Cheesecake Factory.  I meant to take her to Zupas (where she wanted to go), but I was thinking of other things and drove right past it.  Maysen teased me that I did it on purpose, I did not.  I do love the Cheesecake Factory though.

The purpose of the trip to the mall was to go to the Bobby Brown counter at Nordstroms.  Becky recommended us to go there.  I asked them to help Maysen with make-up.  Maysen has never worn a stitch of make-up.  Ever.  Not even lip gloss.  She did not like this.  At all.  Her eyes kept filling with tears, but she was a good sport about it.  The poor make-up artist felt so bad though.  Just like the haircut stylist did that cut Jorja's hair.  Or the person that painted Jorja's toes while she was crying.  I don't understand how to be a mom of girls.  Maybe because I grew up with five brothers.  Maysen thinks the make-up makes her skin look gray and that she looks like death.  I think she looks nice.  I asked the lady which few things would she choose for Maysen to use at home. We picked out just a couple of things.  I'm going to have Maysen wear make-up to church.  She'll thank me later....maybe....

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