Monday, August 4, 2014


Stockton had his diving conference today.  Warm-ups started at 2:00.  I took Stockton there and he was able to practice from 2-3.  Well, there were a lot of people there, so he didn't get that many dives in.  The little kids had their competition first.  They were estimating Stockton's warm-ups would start around 5:00.  We waited for about thirty minutes before I knew this was a bad idea.  Stockton was so bored. This was going to be a LONG night!  I decided to take him home for a few minutes.  He was only able to be home for thirty minutes, but it was nice to have a little break from the pool.  We got home just after the appliance people had finished putting handles everywhere.  It looks so good and we an open the fridge easily!  Yay!
 Just a corner
 sink and dishwashers
We got back to the pool at 5:00 and ended up being really early.  The little kid competition was taking forever!  Better early than late though. Stockton decided to compete all one and a halves.  He has had a hard time with his back one and a half.  Thursday he stood on the edge of the board for five minutes and could not get himself to go.  I tried to talk him out of competing it.  I thought that if he was that nervous about it in practice he would be ten times more nervous in competition.  The divers are allowed to change their dives even when they are on the board.  They just have to let the judges know and get their scoresheet changed before they start their dive.  Anyway, Stockton decided to try a back one and a half in warm up to see if he could do it.  He did.  He decided to try it during competition.  He said he would be happy with it even if he back flopped, he just didn't want to get a 'no dive'.  Stockton did so good!  His first dive was fantastic!  He even got two sevens!
One and a half
Stockton about to do an inward one and a half
Inward one and a half
Out of Stockton's four dives, he had never competed with three of them.  Yikes!  After Stockton's first two dives we had to evacuate the pool because of thunder.  We ended up having an hour long rain delay. We piled all the kids in the car and took a quick trip to the grocery store.  Luckily they were able to finish the competition.  Mike recorded Stockton's first two dives, but then his phone ran out of batteries.  I tried to record the last two.  I don't have very much room on my phone, so I waited until the last second to hit record.  I didn't catch much of his third dive.  It's not even worth watching, but this is the dive I was really scared about.  He didn't back flop!  He did it and even scored 5s!  Yay!
Back one and a half
Reverse one and a half
We had to wait for the scores to be added up.  When they were announced, Stockton TIED for first!  Stockton said that he would rather tie for first than win.  He is a numbers boy.  The probability of two divers diving four different dives with five judges, different degrees of difficulty and the scores going to the hundredths.  That is crazy to tie!
Stockton and Jonas co-champions high fiving each other
Each team is allowed to send three divers from each age division.  Here is Stockton with the other divers from his team.
Will, Stockton, Carter
There were seven divers that competed in Stockton's age group.  I don't know all their names.
 Carter, Will, Stockton, Jonas, diver, diver, diver
 Stockton and Jonas
 Same picture with Instagram filters
Stockton's team took third place overall.  It has been years and years since this team has won a trophy.  They were pretty excited about it!
Jaxson, Will, Makenna, Mike (coach), Morgan, Carter, Stockton
We came home and celebrated by not making Stockton eat dinner.  He liked that.  We had all the kids at the counter while we did scripture study.  They looked so cute!  We are extremely excited to be almost finished with the kitchen!  Soon we will be taking our house back!
Stockton, Maysen, Preston, Jorja

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