Monday, September 8, 2014

19th Anniversary

I was all set to go to an Insanity class after I got the kids out the door for school.  On my way I checked my phone.  Becky sent me a text asking me if I wanted to hike to the waterfall.  Immediately I thought that sounded like more fun.  I did not think I would be able to handle both.  It worked out great because I was able to get some final things set for our Beehive activity tomorrow.  The hike was great!  I love being with these girls.  They are so much fun.  The weather was perfect for hiking.  So much fun!
 One of Mike's favorite places on earth
Four of us made it to the waterfall.  Stephanie did not.  She was so close, but we were told the rocks were super slippery.  She was carrying her one year old on her back and he was getting fussy.  She let him out to play and waited for a bit.  It seemed to do the trick, Wally was happy the entire way down. Wally's real name is Lincoln, but no one calls him that.
 Camee, Jacqui, Stephanie, Becky
Today is my 19th anniversary.  I am so lucky!  Mike is the best person on the planet.  No idea how I convinced him to stick around with me!
Mike & Stephanie
Mike gave me a soft-serve ice-cream machine for our anniversary.  This will go great with Jorja's cookies!  He has a fancy one coming later. The kids were pretty excited about this one.  I gave Mike stale peeps.  I saved them for months.  He has always said he loves the stale ones.  I open the packages as soon as I buy them, but he loves peeps so much he never waits for them to get as stale as he likes them.  Turns out he doesn't like them super stale like I thought he did.  Oh well.  Live and learn.

Mike and I went to the Church History Museum.  It was nice to be able to look at things and go at our own pace without worrying about anything.  (I have taken the Young Women here twice.)  We went to dinner at Blue Lemon and walked around the Salt Lake Temple grounds.  It was a wonderful stress-free evening.  
 This one is Mike's favorite

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