Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Healing Fields

The kids (and Mike) were excited to try out the ice-cream maker this morning.  Icecream is a delicious breakfast.  Mike made vanilla.  He was a little too creamy, but pretty tasty.
We had planned to go to the Healing Fields for Young Women today.  I was pretty nervous about it because it was pouring buckets all day long! The skies were absolutely beautiful when we got there.  The ground was a little muddy in parts.  I absolutely loved this activity.  The girls did a great job and seemed to love it as well.  This has been my favorite service activity we have done.
 Different Olivia
 Olivia & Olivia
Our girls got the last flags.  They were pretty excited about that.  Olivia wanted to be the very last one to put a flag in.  Reminded me of puzzles. We convinced her to set her flag up anyway.
Ebony, Majena, Olivia, Olivia, Cora
 Olivia, Olivia, Majena, Ebony, Cora
 Olivia & Olivia
 Olivia, Ebony, Olivia, Majena, Cora
Kristin was really hungry and offered to buy the girls a happy meal at McDonalds.
Olivia, Majena, Cora, Ebony, Olivia
Maysen missed her Young Womens' activity because I signed her up for an ACT class this morning.  It will be every Tuesday for about five weeks.  They took a practice test today.  She only missed one on the English portion, but didn't finish the math and science portion. Hopefully this will be a productive class for her.

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