Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Dad's 71st birthday

My dad is old.  71 years to be exact.  I took my dad to lunch at Knickerbockers.  The Knickerbockers in Draper closed, so we ended up going to the one by Mike's work.  It was nice because Mike met us there.  Delicious.

Maysen had an appointment with Holly and Stockton had diving.  I was going to take Stockton with me and have him wait for awhile before diving, but Josh's mom called and asked if I could take Josh with me.  I didn't want to have Josh wait during Maysen's appointment.  It turned out really good that I made that decision.  When we were almost to Maysen't appointment we got a call from the middle school.  It was Jorja.  She had missed the bus.  She was pretty upset about it.  I told her to read a book and I would get there in about twenty minutes. Luckily it was a beautiful day.  I had ordered Jorja a school shirt awhile back.  The school asked those that ordered a shirt to be released a little early so they could pick them up.  (Today was 'wear a school shirt' day, so they were a little late there!)  Anyway, when Jorja got there they were only at the M's in setting the shirts out.  She finally got her shirt and decided to grab her violin.  She got to the bus, but the doors were closed.  The bus wasn't moving, but they wouldn't let her on. Ridiculous!  Jorja just stood there crying while the bus drove away. The principle and other teachers walked inside and she was left there crying on the curb.  Someone in Jorja's Chinese class noticed her and asked why she was sad.  She told them she missed the bus and didn't know what to do.  That was when Kathy Leatherwood walked by.  She took Jorja inside and had her call me.  Thank goodness for Kathy!

I dropped the boys off at diving and then went to pick up Maysen.  We stayed and watched them dive for a bit.  I got a couple of videos, but my battery died.  There was a guy that is probably my dad's age doing crazy stuff off of the 10 meter.  I can't imagine my dad doing that!
7 Meters
5 Meters

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