Thursday, September 11, 2014

Flags with Anne

I watched Anne today for Matt and Sam.  Sam works and Matt is going back to school.  They are able to work their schedules around watching Anne except for Thursdays.  They have four different people to watch her and rotate Anne between us.  Today was my dad.  When Anne woke up from her nap I decided to take her to the Healing Fields.  She loved it!  She loved playing hide-and-seek with the flags.
 Stephanie & Anne
I was a little disappointed.  I remember a few years ago when Mike took Maysen to this field.  Each flag had a name of someone who had died in the September 11th attacks.  It had their name and story. I was looking forward to learning more about a few of the people.  There were no cards this year.  Only flags.  The flags are beautiful, just not as personal I guess.

Mike and I went to Joy Valentine's wedding reception today.  It was beautiful.  Then we went home and watched the BYU game.  Mike "watched" with me for awhile before he found an excuse to leave and didn't make it back until the end of the game.  It was nice of him to get it set up for me and to try to pretend to be interested.

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