Friday, September 12, 2014

Hand of Hope

I saw a picture on Facebook that Traci had 'liked'.  It is titled the Hand of Hope.  I have seen this picture several times and think it is just beautiful.
Traci's picture had a little blurb connected to it which I read.  My jaw about hit the floor when I read that the baby was Samuel Armas.  Never in a million years did I ever think about what the little baby was like after he was born, and never did I imagine that we actually knew him.
Samuel went to the same elementary school as my kids.  He was in Stockton's first grade class.  He is in the back next to Mrs. Latham. (Mrs. Latham is a fantastic, amazing, wonderful, incredible teacher by the way.)
Samuel is such a great kid.  He is 14 now.  Crazy to think he was famous before he was born.  He even has his own wiki page.  What a small world we live in!  Stockton is in the front of the class picture.  Can you guess which one he is?  I love how much Preston looks like him. Preston even wore that same shirt today!  

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