Thursday, September 18, 2014

Brett's Here!

Funerals are sad and happy.  I am happy that I will get to see every one of my brothers this weekend.  Brett flew in from Virginia today!  He wanted to go to my mom's grave.  I made him let me take a picture.
Mike, Stockton, Brett and I went to dinner at a place called Pizza Limone.  It was pretty good but I am glad the other kids didn't want to come.  It was fancy pizza.  Brett and I had pears on our pizza. Blackberries was another choice.  Pineapple was not.  Jorja would not like that!

The kids don't have school tomorrow so I let them stay up late.  We went night swimming.  Matt came over and swam with us too.  After swimming we had a game of Dominion, of course!

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