Friday, September 19, 2014

Grandma's Viewing

Today was my Grandma Parry's viewing.  Sad and happy.  Seriously there are not enough amazing words in the English language to describe her.  I'm glad my mom is with her now.  My grandma missed my mom so much.  As sad as my grandma's death is, the timing couldn't have been better for us.  We were lucky enough to see her two days before she died.  The kids don't have school today, so they won't miss a single thing.  Mike was able to take time off of work.  Closer to Thanksgiving and Christmas it is harder to do that.  I wish it would have worked out for some of my other cousins.  Especially Brooke.  I wish I could have seen her!

Anyway, Mike came home around lunch time and we headed out in the motorhome about 1:00.  My dad, Brett and Abby went with us.  My dad, Brett and I played Ticket to Ride on the way up.  That was an experience!  The trains kept moving all over the table.  It was a little difficult, but not impossible.  Plus, I won.  We are parking our motorhome in front of my grandma's house.  Heather's family, Matt's family, Brett, John and Mallory are all staying over.  Brett walked over to the church once we got there.  He called me and said to come over, but not to bring the kids yet.  Mike, my dad and I walked over.  My grandpa was there talking to Brett.  I love him.  This is going to be so hard for him.  He was so wonderful to my grandma.
Grandma & Grandpa
 Grandpa, Grandma, Stephanie, Matt
Several of my aunts and cousins were getting things ready when we got there.  The place sure looks great.  They had a spot where they put a grandma blanket.  I asked if I could put Jorja's and Preston's blanket there.  They let me.  I'm not sure if they wanted to let me but they didn't complain.  That was nice of them.  Preston loved seeing his blanket when we brought him over.  I went back and got myself and my kids ready.  Bubs and Ange hadn't arrived yet, so we took Abby in her play clothes.  She is so dang cute, so it was okay.
Grandma's handmade corner
 Well I added more than one.  Whoops.
 But look at this boy.  He loved seeing his blankie on the table.
We walked across the field to get to the viewing.  I told my kids that they needed to be calm and under control.  Mike said, "So get all your wiggles out now."  Preston took off and did a head first dive on the grass.  Luckily he didn't get grass stains all over his clothes since he is wearing them tomorrow!
My goofball
These pictures have been hanging in my grandma's house for several years.  One of them is an Ensign article titled "Halfpenny and a Pearl". It is a story about her grandfather.  He was disowned when he joined the church and was given a penny for his inheritance.  The other picture is of some of the earliest settlers of Ririe, including her ancestors.
This is a flower arraignment that is supposed to represent her grandchildren.  She had 28 grandchildren and there are 28 roses.  They also put apples in the arraignment because my grandma could break an apple in half with her bare hands.
I am extremely thankful that we live in Utah.  I wouldn't have been able to bring my entire family with me if we still lived in Georgia.  I am glad they were able to come.  This is their last grandma.  Sad.
Maysen, Jorja, Stockton, Preston, Stephanie
It was wonderful to see several cousins that we don't get to see very often.  My grandma would have loved so many family members around.  She loved her family.
Brett & Justin
 Debie with her newest granddaughter Adison
 Sam, Dad, Anne, Matt, Brett
John and Cassie left at 4:30 in the morning, I think.  They drove from Oregon and made it just in time.
 John, Brandon, Mallory, Trevor, Cassie
Cassie & Brandon, Dad, Matt, John
Mike and I took our kids, Abby, Mallory and Trevor back to Grandma's House after awhile.  Bubs came about fifteen minutes later and was able to get Abby in a dress and bring her back.  Maysen had fun playing with Mallory.  Mallory and Trevor sure had a long day today!
Mallory & Maysen
Purple girls!
I went back with Bubs' family and enjoyed the company of my family. They are the best!  My brother Mike tried to convince Lincoln to get a haircut.  Lincoln said that he would have to pay him $20.  Mike told him he would.  Lincoln started backtracking and didn't want to do it. Bubs says he likes his hair long because he thinks the girls like it. Funny kid.
Abigail, Ella, Lincoln, Amelia, Angela
Mike, Bubs, Abbs, Dad
 Grandpa & Steve
 My mom's siblings that are alive: John, Jackie, Steve
My family had already left when we got around to taking a Millburn picture.  We are missing (of the ones who were able to come) my family and Mallory.  I like this picture and I love that Abby girl!
Millie, Ange, Bubs, Matt, Mike, Dad,
Brett, Trevor, John, Cassie, Brandon
Ella, Lincoln, Abby, Stephanie, Skye, Larkin
I love these next few pictures.  Larkin was mesmerized by Grandma Parry.  Larkin is named after Grandma Parry's mom.  Her name was Harriett Larkin Borrowman Lovell.  It was so sweet watching her.  The first picture is my absolute favorite.  My grandma looks so beautiful and peaceful.  She must feel so free now.
 Grandma & Larkin
 Skye & Larkin
 Skye, Grandma & Larkin
 Saying goodbye
 I love you.

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