Saturday, September 27, 2014

Class Cancelled

Maysen had a Saturday lecture she needed to attend.  It was scheduled to be 7:30-2:30 or something like that.  It was a LONG time!  I dropped Maysen off around 7:15.  On my way home I got a text.  I NEVER look at texts when I'm driving.  I was past all the lights and was about to turn onto a T-street when the text came in.  I decided to pull to the side and look at the text.  Very strange for me.  Usually I wait until I get home and sometimes forget about them completely.  I'm glad I stopped.  It was Maysen.  The lecture was cancelled.  The speaker got in an accident on the way there.  It was raining pretty hard.  I was able to get back on the road and turn right around to get her.  I hope the speaker is okay.  Sounds like he is going to have a pretty bad day.

Jorja got to play at Jazzie's house today.  She was thrilled.  She got to help babysit Jazzie's little brother and sister.  Right after Jazzie left, Audrey came over.  Dang it!  We love it when Audrey comes over and we hadn't seen her for awhile.  I invited her inside and we made cookies together.  She told me all about the ghost tour she was excited to go on tonight.  Sounds a little spooky to me.  Once our cookies were done she went and played with Preston until Jorja came home.  I'm glad Jorja got to see her before she left.

Maysen, Jorja and I were able to watch the Womens' Conference together.  We watched it downstairs where we didn't need to wear dresses so we could be extra cozy.  I worked on Amelia's stocking.  I'm almost done!  I really enjoyed watching it with my girls, but I missed doing something to make it extra special.  Maybe we'll have to do something different next time.

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