Sunday, September 28, 2014

Jorja's Last Primary Program

Audrey came over this morning.  I was pretty excited.  Yesterday I asked her if she would like to go to church with us.  I told her Jorja would be speaking in sacrament meeting.  Audrey hasn't been to church with us for a long time.  Audrey asked if we would be up by 8:00.  She ended up coming over around 9:30.  She looked so cute in a nice dress and hat.  She cracks me up.

I thought Audrey would enjoy listening to the primary program.  Sister Madson, the primary president, was really excited to see Audrey.  She asked her if she would like to come and sit on the stands.  Audrey didn't want to.  I don't blame her!  Although, Audrey being Audrey she changed her mind.  Audrey is not shy at all.  She decided she would like to sit on the stand.  We were able to get her a spot next to Jorja, right in the middle of all the kids.  I was so worried about her.  I did not want her to feel embarrassed that she didn't know the songs.  I should have known that Jorja would take care of her.  While I watched the program I noticed that Audrey was singing.  I was shocked that she knew many of these songs.  Jorja had asked different teachers she was sitting by and was able to get Audrey music.  Awesome!

Audrey was also listed in the program.  I knew she had not even seen her part.  I assumed that her name would be passed by unnoticed. Nope.  She got up with the rest of her class.  I was so worried!  I thought, "Oh no!  I hope the words are easy and she can read them well!"  I assumed that the first time she saw the words would be up at the pulpit.  Wrong again.  She got up there as confident as ever, looked right at the audience and said her part.  Completely memorized.  No stumbling over any words.  Amazing.  Incredible.  Jorja had also found Audrey's part and Audrey had it memorized before she made it to the stand.  I was blown away!  It was awesome.

Preston was so cute!  A few months ago he was asked to give a talk on one of his ancestors.  He chose his Grandma Honey.  Preston was asked to give the same talk today.  This was it:  

My name is Preston Hirschi Smith.  I was named after my Grandma Honey.  She died before I was born.  My first name is the city she was born in, my middle name is her maiden name.  She met my Papa when they were in 6th grade.  They got married in the Logan Temple when they were 19 years old.  They had 4 children.  The youngest one was my dad.  I was told that my Grandma Honey was nice and loved her family very much.  I wish I could have known her.  It is fun to learn stories about my ancestors.

Preston was SOOOOO cute!  He accidentally said they met when they were 19 years old.  He caught himself and said, "Ugh!" and held out his hand to the side.  He corrected himself and continued.  It was absolutely adorable.

Jorja did a great job on her talk as well.  She had to look down when she was singing because she kept laughing.  Stockton was making faces at her from the audience.  Jorja looked so big up there!  She is the oldest one in primary right now.  Crazy!  This is Jorja's talk:

January 1, 2010 my family made a goal to read our scriptures every day.  We were 100% for 4 years 9 months and 13 days.  Our 100% streak ended two weeks ago.  That morning my dad felt we should drive to Idaho to see my great-grandma who had not been feeling well.  We piled in our motorhome and drove 4 hours to see her.  We spent a few hours there and then drove home.  We forgot to read our scriptures.

My parents have taught me many ways to stay close to the Lord. Reading our scriptures is one of them.  We are now learning to keep trying even if you make a mistake.  Being 99% is okay too.  Heavenly Father just wants us to do our best.

My parents have also taught me the importance of listening to our Prophet and Apostles.  My family watches all 4 sessions of General Conference together.  We each make a bingo card and my mom buys lots of candy.  That makes conference extra fun.  Conference will be held next Sunday.  My parents asked us to think of a challenge we are having or a question we need an answer to.  We will pray about it and try to find the answer in conference.

I love my family.  I know we can be together forever if we obey Heavenly Father and Jesus.

Jorja, Preston and Audrey did so well.  The songs were beautiful.  I really enjoyed the meeting.  I am so thankful Audrey came with us.  She blew my socks off!  I can't believe this was Jorja's last primary program. Wow.  My kids are growing up!  Next year only Preston will be up there - and he will be in senior primary!  That is bizarre!

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