Monday, September 15, 2014

Grandma Parry Died Today

I am so sad, and happy, and sad, and happy.  I'm sad that my grandma died today.  I am happy that she is with my mom and her other two daughters right now.  I'm sad that they are not with me.  I'm happy that she loved me so much.  My mom wasn't ever blessed with the privilege of being a grandma.  My grandma filled this role for them.  My kids love my grandma to pieces.  It is impossible not to love her.  She gives of herself completely.  She loves with her whole heart.  She is one of a kind.  I love her more than I can adequately express.  I am so thankful that Mike talked me into going to Idaho a few days ago.  I'm thankful that we brought our kids.  She is just everything.

This picture below is one of my favorite all time pictures.  I even have a similar picture with Jorja and Preston, but I'm not sure where that is. Look how happy and at peace my children are.  Look how loved and safe they are.  This is my grandma.
Maysen, Grandma, Preston
 Heather, Stephanie, Jordyn & Grandma ~ I love this picture too.
 Grandma & Stephanie
 She's amazing
 Grandpa, Grandma & Stephanie
I asked my kids their favorite memory of Grandma.  BLANKETS!  My kids each have a baby blanket my grandma made them.  They are covered with holes and holding together by threads.  And I love it.  My kids have loved these blankets to shreds.  It makes me happy.

They also talked about how Grandma and Grandpa would make a special effort to come see us.  Even when Grandma was really, really sick.  They would come to Lagoon and stay for several hours and drive home.  They made it every year.  We have even been surprised by them at the cabin.  I loved that!  They would drive up and see us for an hour or so and drive back home.  Every time that happened we felt so special and loved.
Grandpa, Grandma, Preston and Jorja
 Grandma & Preston ~ loved, loved, loved!
Several years ago I asked Grandma if she could make Maysen another blanket.  We picked out the fabric and grandma recreated Maysen's baby blanket, but a little bigger.  Maysen loves it.  A few months later we got a package from Grandma.  We were living in Georgia at the time and there were many days when I felt all alone in this world.  I felt that if something happened to my family, like we were in a plane or car crash and everyone died, no one would even notice.  They'd be sad for a bit but it would be more like an after thought sad.  Like a story.  It is hard living so far away and not having a mom.  Unless that has happened to you, there is no way you can understand the deep feelings and the deep pain.  Anyway, Jorja got a package from Grandma.  Inside was a new blanket for her covered in frogs!  I remember trying to hold back my tears.  I felt so, so loved.  My kids don't have a grandma on either side of the family.  Mike's mom died right after Jorja turned 3. My kids have never experienced a grandma surprise.  This was absolutely unbelievable for me.  Jorja still sleeps with this blanket every night.
Jorja right after she got a surprise blanket

Imagine our surprise when we looked closer at the blanket and saw that my Grandma had hand-stitched JORJA LOVES FROGS!!! and RIB-IT-RIB-IT-IT-IT.  Holy cow did we love that!  How unbelievably amazing is my Grandma?
Jorja was told that this was the last blanket Grandma Parry ever made. Boy am I thankful that she did this for her.
 Grandma & Jorja
When I had Stockton I really wanted to have my Grandma come and help me.  Mike's mom came for Maysen, but she couldn't come for Stockton because her own mom was too sick.  I was on my own for Jorja and Preston.  Not my favorite memories.  My grandma had told me she would love to come. Stockton was due on her birthday, March 2.  Instead he came January 28th.  On a leap year.  Seriously Stockton! Always thinks everything is a waste of time.  Even growing in my womb.  I had mailed my grandma a frequent flier ticket she could use the day before he was born, still thinking I had several weeks of being pregnant.  My grandma didn't wait for the ticket to come.  She bought her own and came to me!  It was a HUGE help!  Stockton had to stay in the hospital for a few extra days. I was able to be at the hospital with him while she took care of Maysen.  Not sure what we would have done without her.
Stockton & Grandma
 Grandpa, Stockton, Maysen and Grandma
 Grandma & Stockton
 I love how she makes everyone so happy
 and she makes them feel so important.
Maysen has always had a special relationship with my grandma. Grandma adores Maysen.  The feeling is mutual.  I just loved watching them together.
Grandma & Maysen
 Seriously!  Look at the two of them together!
 They are adorable!
 Preston, Grandpa, Stephanie, Grandma, Maysen, Jorja, Stockton
These series of pictures remind me so much of them.  Always with family, loving the cabin and having fun.
Grandma, Grandpa & Steve
I know it was time for my grandma to go.  She lived a marvelous life. She loved and was loved.  We will miss her more than I can comprehend.  I am thrilled that my mom gets to be with her now. Grandma deserves some time with her girls!  We'll love you forever and miss you always Grandma!
Grandma & Maysen


  1. i love you and send my hugs and prayers. I'm thinking of you, Mike, and all your beautiful children. So sorry Steph.

  2. Thank you Heather! I love you and miss you too!
