Sunday, September 14, 2014

Singing in Sacrament

We made it home this morning.  No problems.  Yay!  We were even on time to church.  Maysen, Stockton and I sang in sacrament meeting with the rest of the youth and their leaders.  The song is Our Savior is Pulling Too.  Someone in our stake wrote it for Trek.  Actually he grew up in our stake, but I think he is at BYU now.  I have grown to love that song.  I think it is beautiful.  These are the words, but it won't be nearly as beautiful without the music to go along with it.

Our Savior is Pulling Too

They traded comfort for a cart.
Left their homes with aching hearts.
They must have felt alone out on the plains.
Mothers watched their babies die.
Fathers must have wondered why.
They left a trail of tears and so much pain.

Through the storms and bitter cold they didn't let the past
Or the unknown future quench their flame of faith.

He was their light.  He walked their path,
When their burdens seemed too hard to carry.
They chose to look up and with strength from above
They kept their promise made to Him.
They were true and they knew He was pulling too.

Though the cart I pull today
Is different in many ways
I often need to stand for him alone.
Temptation tries to lure away
My focus from a future day
When he'll trust me with a family of my own.

Through my test and trials I will look back to the past.
And know their counting on my flame of faith.

He is my light.  He walks my path
When the future seems too hard to carry.
I'll choose to look up and with strength from above
I'll keep my promise made to Him.
I'll be true 'cause I know He is pulling too.

I'll stand as a witness every hour.
I will stay worthy of his power.
I won't forget what he's done for me.

And soon I'll leave behind my home
And bear a witness of my own
To a world who needs to feel his loving hand.
Not long from now I'll serve and teach
Pioneers who will choose to be
The first to follow him and leave their past.

Through the storms and lonely roads I'll help them see the path
And light the future with their flame of faith.

He is our light.  He walks our path.
When our future seems too hard to carry.
We'll choose to look up and with strength from above
We'll keep our promise made to Him.
We'll be true 'cause we know He is pulling too.

I'll have to admit.  When I first heard the title I was a little worried and thought the song would be extremely cheesy.  The first time I heard the song my opinion changed.  I think the name of the composer is Michael Murri.  He played the piano and I think his siblings sang the song. That was a long time ago, so I can't remember exactly, but it was sure beautiful.  Michael's mom came and played the piano for us today and his sister played her violin while Joshua Yauney played his cello.  It was lovely.

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