Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Two Lost Teeth

Preston lost a tooth today at school.  He was so proud!  He now has no front teeth.  He says it is really hard to talk, especially the TH words. Adorable.
Jorja also lost a tooth today.  Hers was a molar that has been bothering her for quite awhile.  She let Mike pull and pull at it until it finally came out.  This is the second time that both Jorja and Preston have lost a tooth on the same day.

Preston started piano lessons again today.  This time he is taking the lessons with a lady on our street.  For the last few years we have had a teacher come to our home, which was wonderful, but I think this will work even better.  It is nice to not worry about keeping everything calm and running smooth for two straight hours.  I think Sister Newman will be really good for them.  Preston was not excited to go at all, but he loved it when he came home.

I dropped Maysen off at her ACT Prep class and then went to Parent Teacher Conferences.  I was able to meet with about half of the teachers for her and Stockton.  I had to leave to go to Young Womens, but I get to go back again tomorrow!

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