Wednesday, October 1, 2014


Stockton started piano lessons today and I was able to finish up with Maysen and Stockton's parent-teacher conference.  It's crazy how long it takes me to make it each of their teachers.  I like how they do it this way.  Last year the middle school stopped having conferences like this. Now they just do student led conferences.  I don't like it.  I can look on-line anytime to see what their grades are.  Sometimes I need to talk to the teacher face to face to find out other things.  I also think things would have not gone so bad with Ms. Falk if I had been able to meet her.  Even though it takes me forever, I really love to learn about how my kids act when I am not with them.  I like to find out how well they are doing and ways I can help them.  Maysen and Stockton are both doing great, which is no surprise.  I sure lucked out with my kids!

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