Thursday, October 2, 2014

Sushi with Anne

We got to watch Anne today.  Matt came a few minutes before Preston left for the bus.  Preston was so excited!
Preston & Anne
I had to go to the bank and sign some papers this afternoon.  I needed to sign a paper saying I wasn't the Stephanie Smith who owed over $1,000 because of something that happened in early 2010.  I was living in Georgia then, so I'm pretty sure it wasn't me.  The good thing about this little annoyance is the bank is right by Mike's work.  We decided to go to lunch.  With Anne.  We went to Happy Sumo.  It was nice and Anne was a perfect angle.
 Blurry but smiley
We have learned that Anne loves rice, the inside of wontons and likes to dance when the music comes on the speakers.  It is pretty adorable.
 Anne's first sushi....I think
 Preston with his random art creation.

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