Friday, October 3, 2014

Amelia's Stocking

Maysen, Stockton and Preston don't have school today.  Jorja is the only one.  That is kind of weird.  We didn't do anything wonderful with their day off, but the kids like it better that way anyway.  I made Jorja an acai bowl for her after school snack.  Jorja and Preston love them. Maysen and Stockton don't, so I figured today was a perfect time for that treat.

I also have finished Amelia's stocking!  I am now all the way done with Bubs' family.  I have started on Brandon's.  I got him name sewed today.  It took forever!  I'm making Brandon the same stocking I made Preston.  Cassie always commented on how much she liked Preston's.  I hope she wasn't just being nice!
I watched part of the BYU/Utah State game.  It started out great and then quickly became depressing.  Especially when Taysom Hill got injured.  Stinks.  I went to bed at half time because I am getting up really early tomorrow.  My next Body by Banks class starts and I am pretty excited.

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