Saturday, October 4, 2014

Saturday Conference

I started today exercising really early.  I came home and helped the kids clean the bathrooms.  Nice to have all that done before conference! Bubs and Ange brought over Ella, Abby and Millie around 8:30.  We are going to watch them during the first session.  Bubs, Ange and Lincoln are going to be there in person.  We helped them make bingo boards before it started.  I sat by Abby and helped her notice when one of her words was said.  She really liked it for the first hour.  The second hour she played with Millie and the toy kitchen.

Bubs and Lincoln came back to get the kids.  Ange stayed with a friend to watch another session.  We showed Bubs some of our favorite Studio C sketches.  Captain Literally and the Awkward Avoidance Viking are always good.  Bubs took his kids home during the second session.  We love watching conference at home.  It is so peaceful to listen to the current apostle teachings from the comfort of our own home!
Mike & Preston
Looks like a lot of learning is going on there!
Mike was planning on watching the priesthood session with Steve and his boys.  They misunderstood that he was going to watch it on the big screen at our house.  Shannon wanted them to go to a chapel. Mike did not want to go to a chapel.  He said, "They go through all this effort to have the priesthood session seen at home, the least I could do is watch it here."  Or something to that effect.  Stockton was pretty disappointed.  He has been working on Stockton Apples to Apples and was really excited to play it with them.  Shannon invited us over for dinner tomorrow, so he will be able to bring it then. Mike and Stockton enjoyed the priesthood session at home.  I even watched.  Elder Uchtdorf was my favorite.

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