Sunday, October 5, 2014

Sunday Conference

Bubs and Ange came over for the first session of conference today. Jorja liked wearing the bear and playing with Millie.  I didn't get a good picture, but Millie was feeding the bear.  So cute!
Jorja & Millie
I love working on things during conference.  Lately it has been Christmas stockings.  I was so disappointed when I realized the stocking I'm working on now was printed off center.  The bottom part of the stocking hangs off the edge.  What is ridiculous is there is plenty of room on the felt.  I decided to just make do, because I couldn't see another option.
 Look how much extra room!
It was even more annoying when I found out that the pattern was printed on both sides!  One of the sides the pattern was printed correctly.
Too bad I discovered that a bit too late.  There should have been some kind of warning or something.  I have made many of these stockings over the years and never have they been printed on both sides.  How was I supposed to know to look?  At least they should have folded the fabric so the correct side was facing forward.
I'll figure it out.  This is what Brandon's stocking looks like so far.  I had a little trouble with the name.  It is really hard to get the names just right with such dark fabric.  I was hoping to get more done on his stocking, but the weird pattern thing threw me for a loop!  That's okay. I usually watch conference again while the kids are at school, so I'll be able to work on it then.
After conference we went to Steve and Shannon's house.  They had yummy fajitas.  We brought stuff for apple nachos for dessert. Stockton was finally able to play his Apples to Apples game with Brandon and Jacob.  Different Brandon then the one I am making the stocking for. We also played Quiditch outside.  It was fun but I wish I brought better running shoes! 

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