Sunday, October 26, 2014

Jorja's 12th Birthday

Jorja is 12!  Yay!  We opened presents in the morning.  Here are a few of them.
Dragon topper she got at Great Wolf Lodge
 Frog towel she got at Lake Powell
 A whale from Preston
 A Great Wolf Lodge medallion from Maysen
 Notice the progression of Preston's jealousy
 Jorja & Maysen ~ Jorja loved it!
Stockton made Jorja a super nice gift, but it wasn't finished today.  He told her it was in the mail but it wasn't coming because it is Sunday. Jorja's main present is a heated mattress pad.  She has been begging for a new one.  Hers has not been working well.  We told her she could pick out the one she wanted.

Jorja also got to come into Young Womens today!  I was a little bit excited about that!  The entire beehive class always goes and gets the new beehive from primary.  We got to get Jorja today!  The primary sang Happy Birthday to her and then we sang the welcome song.  We sing to the tune of the Hello song in primary.  The Young Women sing 'Hello' and the primary does the echo except they sing 'Good-bye'.  It is really cute.  It was so much fun getting her today.  I would have taken a picture, but I left my phone home.  Maysen then got to introduce Jorja to the Young Women.  She did such a cute job.  It will be so fun to have both my girls in here with me!  Happy happy day!

I taught the lesson today.  I decided to do my dad's 'Uno without any rules' lesson.  Then I talked to them about how they are in their 'tithing years'.  Elder Holland came and spoke in Georgia when we lived there. He talked about how President Hinckley lived until he was 95 and worked until the Thursday before he died.  If we rounded his life to 100 for easy math sake, what would tithing be on our time?  10 years.  Elder Holland asked us to give 10 years of our life completely to the Lord.  He said, "And I'll tell you the years I want.  I want the years from 12-22. Those are the years where you will make the most critical decisions of your life."  I loved that.  I now have three kids in their tithing years. Yikes!

As we were walking home from church Mike got a phone call.  The stake president wanted to meet with us within the next half hour.  Oh boy.  We were already on a tight schedule, so Jorja ended up making her own birthday dinner.  She wanted fish and potatoes.  She probably liked doing that anyway, at least I hope so!  We met with President Hunt and President Blood.  Still makes me laugh every time I hear their names together.  They asked Mike to be the new Stake Computer Specialist.  I think that is right.  I would ask him, but he is asleep.  We got a new counselor in our bishopric.  Brother Clark.  He had this position for the last 17 years.  I wonder if Mike will have it that long?

We came home and had dinner and cake and then headed to the Trost's for their annual pumpkin carving party.  Jorja's pumpkin was so cute! She carved the Young Womens' torch in it!  She got a necklace with this picture in her welcome bag.  She then put balloons with each of the value colors around it.  Adorable!  I am glad she is excited for this adventure!
 The outline of her torch
 Pretty darn cute
 My 12 year old Porge

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