Saturday, October 25, 2014

Jorja's Birthday Party

Let's just pretend that I'm not super behind on this blog.  Let's pretend that it isn't 3:00 in the morning in France.  I can not sleep and thought that this would be the best time to upload pictures.  I'm guessing not many people are using the free wifi right now.  Anyway, this way I get to look at my beautiful baby girl and remember such a happy time of her life.

Jorja has been so excited about her birthday party.  We let the kids have a party on their even numbered birthday.  Unless we can convince them to take the fifty bucks.  Jorja decided on a Color Me Mine take home party.  It turned out great and was so easy!  I laughed when I remembered Mallory's party a week ago.  12 year olds are definitely not as high maintenance as 4 year olds!  Jorja pretty much planned everything today.  All of her friends seemed to have a great time.  The best part of the day was how happy it made Jorja.  I can't believe she turns 12 tomorrow!
 New friend Robyn
 New friend Audrey
 New friend Shayla
 Cold Stone cake - yellow cake with mint ice-cream
colored candle flames
 Audrey, Nat, Shayla, Jorja, Jazzie, Olivia, Ella, Ashley, Audrey
 They wanted a mirror picture....this is the best I got
 Several of the creations
 Preston painted his dragon after the party
 Jorja with her stack of frogs
Whew!  I'm exhausted!  I am so glad we can claim today as a success! Everything fell into place.  Jorja started the day really early.  Jacqui took Jorja and Maysen to Kneeders for breakfast.  That is what we have been doing as a birthday gift for Young Womens' this year.  We thought it would mix up the girls and have them hang out with people they don't usually end up being with, having the birthday months together. Maysen and Jorja are the only October birthdays!  Haha!  At first I was assigned October until we realized I could take them out at any time. Jacqui texted me and said how much she loved being around them and how much love they showed toward each other.  Yay!

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