Friday, October 24, 2014

Getting Ready

Jorja is pretty darn excited for her birthday party tomorrow.  We went and picked up the take home Color Me Mine kit today.  She had already picked out the pieces she wanted her friends to paint.  Preston came with us because he wanted to paint something too.  He picked out a dragon.  He agreed to let Jorja paint with her friends and then he can paint when they leave.  Jorja has a frog tower, so I'm sure she will still be painting when Preston starts.  We also picked up the Cold Stone cake today.  Jorja really wanted one.  It will be nice not to have to run down in the morning to get it.  Jorja wanted a little bigger cake and was willing to have this one for her birthday party and actual birthday.  I hope she has a great time.  She is so excited she can hardly sleep!

Quick addition on this post.  I forgot that today was the Chili and Chocolate party.  I took the three youngest kids.  Mike and Maysen ended up taking Ezekiel to the vet.  He has not been looking good and Maysen has been so worried.  They were able to get medicine for him. Maysen needs to give it to him twice a day.  She also needs to force him to soak in warm water for twenty minutes twice a day.  Hope this does the trick!

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