Thursday, October 23, 2014

Math Retake Score

I got home late tonight after a stake leadership meeting.  I checked Skyward before bed.  Maysen's math retake grade had been posted. She was so scared to take this test!  Her original score was 84.  If she scored lower, her teacher would take the lower grade.  Such a scary thing to do right before grades are final!  A B+ is a good grade, it would be sad to go lower than that!  I was in shock when I saw Maysen's grade.  I took my laptop downstairs to show her.  She scored a 94! Incredible! Maysen said, "How did that happen?"  Haha!  Wow!  I couldn't believe it!  I was so proud of her!  What a risk she took. Granted, she studied hard and worked with her teacher to figure out what she did wrong before.  Her grade is now an A-.  She is .14% away from an A.  Notice the decimal there.  She is so close!  If she gets an A in this class she will probably get a 4.0.  I hope her teacher bumps her up a little.  We'll see. Regardless, I am incredibly proud of my little girl!

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