Saturday, October 18, 2014

Mallory's Birthday Party

We lucked out with our timing on this trip.  Mallory's 4th birthday is tomorrow!  We won't be there for her actual birthday, but we got to go to her party!  Cassie had the party in the clubhouse where they live.  I went over an hour early to help her.  It took us awhile to unload things and we were just starting to really be able to work when a mom showed up with three kids.  She was more than a half hour early.  She said they came to help.  Her idea of helping was sitting on a bench while she watched her other three kids drive Cassie crazy!  They were bouncing around her asking, "Can I do the balloons?  Can I do this?  Can I do that?"  I couldn't believe the mom just sat there and watched and let her kids harass Cassie.  Cassie would say things like, "Why don't you girls go play outside?"  The oldest girl would say, "No!  I don't want to go outside!"  Cassie had only invited one of the girls.  The other two were siblings.  The mom guilted Cassie to letting the other girls come. They were all in party dresses, what was she going to do?  Cassie told the mom that she was worried because she didn't have enough stuff for all three of them.  The mom hadn't even RSVP'd for the one girl she invited.  The mom told Cassie to not worry, that her girls would share. The mom left once the party started.  Long story short, her girls did not share.  Tears were shed when the older girl didn't get a blower.  She also successfully defeated the little 4 year olds at the party games.  Oh man, so annoying!  The rest of the party went great.  John did a fishing station and Maysen helped by using her loud voice to get the children to listen.  It was pretty funny.  Cassie was exhausted by the time the party was over.  I don't miss the little kid party days!  The only picture I have of the party is of Stockton holding Brandon.  I thought I had taken more, but I think I took the pictures with Cassie's camera.
Brandon & Stockton
 Jorja, Trevor, Mallory walking home from the party
We gave Mallory a Belle dress and tiara.  By we I mean my family, Bubs' family and Matt's family.  The dress was on sale, I was so excited. I remember wanting to get these for my girls, but I could never justify it.  They just didn't love princesses/dress up that much.  Maybe they would have if I had got them some of these?  I guess I'll never know.
 Mallory opening Grandpa Millburn's present
 Frozen figurines.  She loved them!
 Bubs' family gave Maysen a birthday card.
 Mallory, Stockton, Preston, Jorja playing a flower game
 Trevor, Mallory and Jorja eating ice cream
Our plan was to sleep outside and leave as early as we could.  Again, we wanted everyone in the motorhome so we could just leave.  We weren't sure what we should do with Anne until Mike came up with this genius plan.  That crib was sturdy!  Mike seat belted each leg in and the entire crib didn't budge.  The crib is where the table usually is.
The rest of the day was spent watching the BYU game - sad - and playing Dominion.  Matt stayed up really late with John and Cassie to play Ticket to Ride.  They started about 11:30, but I didn't think I could do another game.  Both Maysen and I were tempted though.  I'm not sure what time Matt got in, but he was there when we drove away in the morning!

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