Sunday, October 19, 2014

Driving Home

Mike and I crawled down from the overhead bed about 5 in the morning.  We headed out and got a few hours done before we heard people moving behind us.  We had left the curtain up so that the lights from the road wouldn't wake anyone.  I looked behind the curtain to see Sam making pancakes!  She made bacon and eggs as well.  Mike was so happy!  He would love it if I ever made things like that while we are driving down the road.  He thought it was so cool!  Anne woke up and we were able to set down the crib and get the table back up before breakfast.  Anne did not enjoy the rest of the ride home.  Her mean parents made her stay in a carseat!  She did not understand that at all!

We drove to Sam's sister's house and picked up Sam's mom.  Bubs had dropped Sam's mom off there on the drive up and we picked her up on the way back.  Nice that she was able to have a quick visit there.  We dropped her mom off in Bountiful and headed home.

Mike drove the entire way.  It was a long day for him.  We got home before 10.  That was good because Mike had to stay up all night and work starting at 10.  I did not envy him today!

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