Monday, October 20, 2014

Special Plate of Cookies

Stockton got his Field Study assignment back.  He had to make an overhead map of the high school.  He made his map in a program on MSPaint.  Stockton got five points marked off because his teacher said he needed his own map.
Stockton was so frustrated because he spent a lot of time making this map.  He found it annoying.  He has a solid A in the class, so this makes no difference at all.  Still.  Anyway, I wrote his teacher and she asked for Stockton to come in and talk to her.  He will have to do that tomorrow morning.  I'm sure he is thrilled.

The primary president was supposed to come over to visit with Jorja today.  She called this morning and cancelled.  Her black lab was really sick and the only time the vet could come and put him down was at the exact time of our appointment.  They have had this dog for 14 years. She was really upset when I talked to her.  I told Preston about it when he got home from school and he wanted to make a card.  I had made cookies for the after-school treat and he wanted to bring her a plate of cookies.  I left Preston to work on his card and took Jorja to the library and the store.  I wish I would have taken a picture of his card!  It was so sweet!  He colored the entire thing.  He left a note that said something like, "Sorry about your bad day.  I would be so sad if something like that happened to me.  I hope you like the rest of the day and the cookies."  (Okay, I asked Preston what he wrote and he just took my laptop and typed it.  Adorable)  He also drew a picture of him bringing cookies to her.  Preston and I went over to her house right before his bedtime.  It was unbelievable.  He made her so happy.  She just cried and cried.  She told Preston she would keep his card forever.  She bent down to talk to him while tears ran down her cheeks.  Preston reached up and patted her head.  She told him he was such a nice boy.  He nodded and said, "I know."  That kid!  I love him!  I am so glad he added a small amount of joy to her day.

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