Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Math Retake

I took Maysen to school early today to retake a math test.  She was pretty scared about it, but wanted to do it.  The reason she is scared is because math is hard for her and this teacher doesn't take the last grade, she takes the most recent grade.  The quarter ends on Friday.  If Maysen doesn't do well on this test, it will be a really bad thing. Maysen has a B+ in this class, she is hoping to raise her grade.  The math test she is retaking she got a B on.  There is a huge chance that she will do worse on the retake.  That will be horrible if her grade drops to a C.  So scary!  Maysen went to school early yesterday to have her teacher help her with some problems she missed last time, she also studied really, really hard.  I was so nervous for her the entire time she was gone.  I'm not a big fan of the teacher's policy.  It seems that it favors the kids who get Cs and Ds.  Fingers crossed!  I'm proud of her for trying to raise her grade.  

Stockton was able to talk to his AP Geography teacher and get the points back.  It did not matter at all on his final grade, he is so far in the A category.  Stockton spends hours and hours on homework in that class, he deserves every point he gets!

Sister Madson came over today to visit with Jorja.  She told me several times how sweet Preston's card was.  Right before we came over her entire family was talking about their dog and looking at pictures of him.  She said Preston's card was the nicest card she had ever received. Wow.  In my presidency meeting this morning, Becky was talking about not delaying promptings.  Her dad is a General Authority and works closely with President Monson.  He is always telling her how President Monson stresses acting immediately on promptings they receive.  He stresses that to everyone in the church, but REALLY stresses that to the leaders.  Becky said to not spend forever trying to decide if it is a prompting or not.  If you think about doing something nice, do it because it is nice.  I am going to try to follow through on things I think about.  I am not good at that at all!

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